Fire Center in Lakeview, Oregon is an organization created for organizing fire prevention, extinguishing and carrying out emergency rescue operations.
The main tasks of the Fire Center
- The development and implementation of measures aimed at preventing fires, increasing the efficiency of fire protection of settlements and enterprises, organizations, institutions;
- Organization and implementation of fire supervision;
- Extinguishing fires and conducting related emergency rescue operations in settlements and facilities;
- Professional training for fire rescue operations.
Fire fighting activities
Fire extinguishing actions begin from the moment the Fire Center receives a fire report, is considered completed when the Fire Center returns to its place of permanent deployment and includes:
- receiving and processing a fire (call) message;
- departure and following to the place of the fire (call);
- reconnaissance of the place of fire;
- emergency rescue operations related to extinguishing fires;
- deployment of forces and means;
- elimination of combustion;
- special work;
- collection and return to the place of a permanent location.
When extinguishing fires, the necessary actions are taken to ensure the safety of people, to save property, including:
- penetration into places of distribution (possible spread) of fires and their dangerous manifestations;
- creating conditions that impede the development of fires and ensure their elimination;
- use of communications, transport, equipment free of charge;
- restriction or prohibition of access to fire places, as well as restriction or prohibition of traffic and pedestrians in the territories adjacent to them;
- evacuation from places of fires of people and property.
The direct control of fire fighting is carried out by the head of the Fire Center who arrived at the fire (unless otherwise specified), who manages the fire brigade participating in the fighting to extinguish the fire, as well as those involved to extinguish a fire by forces. The fire extinguishing leader is responsible for the performance of the combat mission, for the safety of the fire brigade personnel involved in the fighting to extinguish the fire, and the forces involved in the fire extinguishing. The head of the fire extinguishing establishes the boundaries of the territory on which the fighting is carried out to extinguish the fire, the order and features of these actions, and also makes decisions on saving people and property in case of fire. If necessary, the head of the fire extinguishing takes other decisions, including restricting the rights of officials and citizens in the specified territory.